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Two Performance Artists book by Scotch Wichmann
Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
Inspired by my crazy adventures as a performer on the road, this is the story of two performance artists who cook up the ultimate performance: to kidnap their billionaire boss...and turn him into the wildest performance artist the world's ever seen.

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Posts Tagged ‘UCSD’

California Bookstore Day!

Monday, May 5th, 2014

Even Ron Burgundy loves the comedy novel Two Performance Artists!

Even Ron Burgundy loves Two Performance Artists! Yep, that was him, reporting live from UC San Diego last Saturday, where I got to be part of California’s inaugural Bookstore Day! Novelists Dave Eggers and Don DeLillo were among the other authors chosen for this historic event, so I feel both lucky and humbled. Photo by Channel 4 reporter KayDee Kersten. Stay classy, San Diego!