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Two Performance Artists Kidnap Their Boss And Do Things With Him
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Inspired By Matt Damon: DICKTEMP!

I’m crazy-excited to announce DICKTEMP, an art experiment to measure the temperature and humidity in my underwear 24/7 for the 30 days of November! Inspired by a dream I had about Matt Damon, check out DICKTEMP.COM for the current weather in my pants, or compare the daily graphs! And be sure to follow me on Twitter for the latest updates—it’s gonna be insane! #dicktemp

*** UPDATE: I just heard back from The Smithsonian—apparently the museum does not want to include my #dicktemp thermometer in its American Art collection. Maybe next time! ;)

*** UPDATE #2: Dicktemp is complete! What a crazy 30 days! Catch all the action in my #dicktemp video logs:
#dicktemp by Scotch Wichmann #dicktemp Day 10 by Scotch Wichmann #dicktemp Day 20 by Scotch Wichmann #dicktemp Day 30 by Scotch Wichmann
Intro Day 10 Day 20 Day 30

I might’ve gotten a little carried away on Day 20 with all of that amazing fannybag fashion…hahaha. Here’s the greenscreen supercut just for you!

7 Responses to “Inspired By Matt Damon: DICKTEMP!”

  1. Benjamin Hill Says:

    I can’t stop singing the DICKTEMP song. I hope the Smithsonian changes its mind. Really, this should be on display for all of America to see. Maybe try some other museums? New Museum in NYC might be interested? Congratulations, Sir!

  2. LA Art Says:

    Bravo!!!! Followed the whole thing!

  3. Jamie Hart Says:

    Your super cut fashion video is hilarious I can’t stop watching it! When will we get the live version? You should start your own line of fannies!

  4. KLONDIKE Says:

    THE SMITHSONIAN??? this just keeps getting better and better. long live dicktemp!

  5. Jim K. Says:

    I had no idea Matt Damon could raise temperatures like that. Great #dicktemp website. Where do you come up with this stuff? And ditto on the dick pics!!!!

  6. Noreen Vergo Says:

    Now this is performance art! If there will be any dick picks, I’m first in line!

  7. Steve Smith Says:

    HA! OMG, this is the funniest shit I’ve ever seen. Hope Shia LaBeouf sees it!

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